Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why the name?

Welcome to the Marsh blog!

Escapades means "a usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct" from Webster's Dictionary

The Marshcapes is the Marsh family's adventurous action the is extremely counter to conventional conduct, but when God says go, you GO!

This is the story of our lives, we are preparing to venture on a journey for which we don't know the end. As most of you probably know, we are moving to South Hamilton, Massachusetts (north east of Boston) at the end of August. Brian will be entering into his first semester of seminary in the Fall at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Before we started dating Brian has shared with me that he had felt called into the ministry, we are now pursuing this calling that God placed on Brian so long ago.

(I will ask him to share his story with you another time on this blog.)

We now plan to share the joys and tears, the trials and the fears with you. We hope you will pray with us as we embark on this new story of our lives.